Have you received an RSV Vaccination invitation?
More information can be found here for Older Adults and Pregnant Women (Gov.uk) with details about the vaccine, who is eligible, and how this can prevent a hospital admission this Winter.

If you are a smoker, you might receive a text message from us about local services that can help you to quit. Quitting smoking is a normal thing to do and is one of the best things you can do for your health.

NHS Frimley Smoking Cessation Survey | Frimley Health and Care

Know where to go locally for all your health needs – Make the right choice

Quick Links

Contact your doctors online

Ask about common problems like coughs, back problems and mental health and we will do our best to solve it.

Ask about general symptoms like dizziness, tiredness or pain and one of our professionals will tend to your query.

Ask for administrative help like sick notes, test results or doctors letters and one of our team will get back to you in good time.

You can ask about children over 6 months and under 18 years. To get help for younger children, please click below.

View common problems you can ask about:

Practice Information


You can get help with a wide variety of clinical and administrative requests through our website without the need to call or visit the practice.

We strongly encourage our patients to use online services where possible. This helps us to operate more efficiently and deliver a better service to our patients.


In addition to general medical consultations, we run a range of specialist clinics and services for our patients. The services we provide are listed here.

Breast Screening

The Practice Nurses are happy to see any patient who wishes advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

More Information

Cervical Smears

If you are a woman between the age of 25 and 65 you are advised to have a regular cervical smear test.

More Information

Child Health

The Practice Nurses are happy to see any patient who wishes advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

More Information


Please see the Practice Nurse if you wish to discuss contraception – the surgery offers a comprehensive range of family planning services.

More Information

Health and Wellness

The Practice Nurses are happy to see any patient who wishes advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Joint Injections

We have a multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal team that will assess your condition and provide joint injections when indicated.

Long-Term Health Problems

Long term condition clinics are run regularly by our Practice Nurses and Pharmacist for patients with diabetes, asthma, chronic lung and kidney disease etc.

More Information


We have a weekly midwife clinic run on a Friday, please book an appointment at reception once your pregnancy has been confirmed and complete this PREGNANCY NOTIFICATION FORM.

Minor Ops

We have facilities to perform certain minor surgical procedures. Your doctor will make the arrangements for surgery when indicated.

Screening Moles

The practice has mole screening facilities.


More Information


Influenza is responsible for many deaths and much debility each year. We have an active programme of annual influenza vaccination each autumn.

More Information



  • Support for Veterans

    [Mental Health & Wellbeing]
    [Physical Health & Wellbeing]

We offer a number of Non-NHS services to our patients or in other words there are a number of services that are run from these premises that are offered on a Private basis. They are not part of the NHS, so fees are usually payable.

Travel Clinic

If health advice is needed for your holiday, please contact a travel clinic soon after booking your holiday. They will be able to tell you which vaccines you require for your destination.

Please be aware that we only offer NHS vaccines for travel. This is limited to Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Hepatitis A and Typhoid. please complete an eConsult and  we will be able to arrange an appointment to have these vaccines if they are needed. We require 6 weeks notice before your departure to order the required vaccines (these must be administered 2 weeks before you travel or they may not be effective).

If you require vaccines over and above that offered by the NHS you will need to arrange these with a private travel clinic; this would include the Yellow Fever vaccine.

Vaccinations available from the NHS

Joint Pain Clinic

Dr. Edward A. Williams MBChB, MRCS Ed, MRCGP, MFSEM, PGCert MSK USS

Qualified as a doctor in 1999 (MBChB) and undertook surgical training until 2008 (MRCSEd) then decided his interests lay in General Practice (MRCGP). He consolidated his years of experience in Trauma and Orthopaedics whilst undergoing his training in General Practice by completing a Diploma in Sports and Exercise Medicine with the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh (MFSEM). He worked with the Buckinghamshire Musculoskeletal Service whilst also working in General Practice until June 2017. He left the Bucks Musculoskeletal Service to concentrate on General Practice in Ascot as a GP Partner at Ascot Medical Centre based in Heatherwood Hospital grounds.

Dr. Williams will guide your treatment with other professionals – arranging and reviewing diagnostic investigations – MRI, CT X-ray etc




Taxi and HGV Medical

Private Referrals

Insurance Reports


Our Online Consultation service will let you request advice, treatment, sick notes, GP letters, recent test results and more.

Enhancing navigation and triage processes

The modern general practice model moves away from the 8am phone call queue and ‘first come, first served’ process for allocating appointments.

Online consultation enables us to have a  consistent structured information to be collected at the point of contact – to let us know about symptoms, ask a question, make a request or follow up about something – with patients either providing this information online form or to reception staff who capture the information about your needs.

Patient needs can then be consistently assessed and prioritised (triaged), allowing practices to provide patients with the most appropriate care or other response, from the right member of the practice team, including signposting or referring patients to other appropriate services.

The ability to better allocate patients to the right health professional or service supports effective use of all staff time and skills, including staff employed through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS).

It also supports improved ability and capacity to provide continuity of care for those that would benefit most, including vulnerable patients and those with long-term conditions.

The use of different consultation modalities, including text or online messages, is also a part of this provision to facilitate flexible working for staff (which supports retention) and provides a variety of options for patients to receive care and advice in the most effective way depending on their needs.


There are a number of useful Online Resources that can help you with external clinical and administrative requests.

We encourage our patients to utilise these online resources whenever possible.

Ascot Medical Centre is involved in medical research and from time to time you may be approached to take part. Taking part in
research is voluntary: you can freely accept or decline, and this will not affect the care that you receive in any way. Even
if you agree to take part, you can still withdraw at any time, without having to provide justification. Withdrawing from a
study will NOT affect the care we provide for you.
All research projects carried out at Ascot Medical Centre have been thoroughly checked and approved by the relevant
health authorities & ethical committees ensuring it is appropriate and safe to perform. You will always receive clear
information about what taking part in a research study would involve and will have the opportunity to ask questions and
obtain further details about a study. All projects are fully compliant with all UK laws (incl. GDPR).
● You may receive a letter in the post offering you the opportunity to take part in a study (the letter will include some
information about the project). Although the letter will often say it is from the study team, we would never share
your personal data without your consent. All mailouts are in fact done by your practice and your address (as well as
any other personal data) has not been shared with anyone else.
● Your doctor or nurse may also offer you to take part in a study during your usual appointment.
● You may also be approached by a member of the study team in the waiting area; be assured that this person and
their activity will have been approved by the practice.
What you will be asked to do as part of the research will vary from study to study. The Patient Information Sheet for
each project will detail what is expected of you. The study team is also there to answer all questions you may have.