Policies and Procedures
Please feel assured that all the doctors, nurses and practice staff are bound to maintain confidentiality. Could you please remind your family and friends that if they phone or come into the surgery to see if you are here that we will not be able to tell them.
Details about patients registered at this Practice (both personal & medical information) are recorded on computer and in paper form. Some of the information will be sent to hospital consultants and other health professionals to whom you are referred by your GP, in order to provide continued health care and obtain treatment for you.
To ensure the security of the information obtained, all of the health care staff who have access to your details and medical records are covered by confidentiality clauses in their employment contracts, and the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act.
We realise that sometimes the Reception desk is a little public and if you wish to discuss something of a confidential nature, please mention it to the Receptionist and we will make arrangements for you to see someone privately.
For more information relating to how the NHS looks after your information please see www.nhs.uk.