Policies and Procedures
Zero Tolerance
Verbal abuse (swearing / shouting), threat of physical abuse – videoing inside the surgery or against a member of staff. Any offence committed by a person will be held on record for 12 months. Should any other occurrence happen during that 12 month period, we will remove them from our list. This process usually takes
30 days and any medication taken, will also be given for cover during that time.
The Practice has a zero tolerance policy relating to any violent or abusive behaviour.
We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. If a patient is violent or abusive, they will be warned to stop their behaviour. If they persist, we may exercise our right to take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary, from our list of patients.