Ascot Medical Centre is a training practice and is accredited to train doctors intending to become general practitioners, as well as doctors in their foundation years (the two years after qualifying as a doctor). As part of this training process, you may see a doctor in training attached to the practice or you may see this doctor with another of our regular clinicians [a ‘joint surgery’].
Our GP Trainees and our GP trainers will sometimes take a video consultation of patient consultations as part of this training process. You may therefore be requested to agree to such a video recording of your consultation. Your permission will always be requested beforehand and you will be asked to sign a letter of consent. If, after the consultation, you wish to withdraw such consent, this will be possible. There is no obligation for you to agree to such recording.
To remain a training practice, the practice is regularly inspected by Health Education England – Thames Valley, and this inspection may include a review of patient’s clinical records. Doctors specifically approved for this purpose will carry out these assessments.
We believe that our patients benefit in a number of ways from our training practice status:
- A training practice is a provider of high quality clinical services suitable for training the future generation of GPs and other medical specialists.
- Patients benefit from the improved access to services provided by the additional workforce provided through the training schemes.
- Patients in the long run benefit from us contributing to the training and recruitment into General Practice: With the country being desperately short of qualified GPs able to meet the needs of our population we do our bit to help resolving the General Practice workforce crisis.
If you require any further information about either the practice as a training practice or the video recording specifically, please speak to a member of staff.
Our current GP Trainer is Dr Edward Williams